/!\ WIP: All credits to Lumpawarroo from his Reddit thread

  1. Jar-Jar clumsiness and annoying/disruptive behavior protects his character from being analysed further as people get rid of him on the emotional layer. His great deal of luck makes him even more despisable. However, Obi-Wan warns people about it:
    Obi-Wan Kenobi: In my experience, there is no such thing as luck
  2. Jar-Jar has yellow eyes. Looks familiar?
    Comparison of eyes: Siths have yellow ones, so does Jar-Jar
  3. Jar-Jar is a skilled warrior
  4. Jar-Jar is a Force user
    1. He feels presence
    2. He executes moves worthy of people trained with the Force
    3. He masters mind-control
  5. Jar-Jar, against all odds, influences major plot points
    • He goes on mission with two experienced Jedi, although being clumsy and acting stupidly
    • He has been made general
    • He has been made senator
    • He pleas in front of the whole senate to abandon democracy and successfully manages so
  6. Jar-Jar is close to Palpatine
    1. Previous points demonstrating Jar-Jar is no fool, his actions facilitating Palpatine's plans are not those of an unwitting tool, but rather those of a partner
    2. Jar-Jar & Palpatine both come the same planet, Naboo. Put in relation to the gigantic size of th Star Wars universe, they are 'next-door neighbours'
    3. Jar-Jar is known amongst gungans, but it is unclear why he is cast-out
    4. Jar-Jar remains friends with Palpatine, years after being 'tricked' into helping him getting elected Jar-Jar hangs out with Palpatine
    5. Jar-Jar stand side-by-side with Palpatine at the victory parade, even closer than Captain Panaka, his right-hand man
  7. George Lucas uses the Monomyth, the Mythological Hero's Journey template intensively. The prequel trilogy resembles the original one in its structure, but reversed, Anakin being an anti-hero. However, the prequel trilogy lacks an 'Eccentric Mentor', a 'Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass', a 'Supernatural Helper'. Jar-Jar fits the description []